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Adult Literacy
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Tutor Tools
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Digital Literacy
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Tutoring Resources
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Math Literacy
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Pre-literate Resources
Pre-literate readers are those who lack basic skills such as knowing the alphabet, being able to distinguish similar letters, knowing letter/sound associations. Those skills, in addition to others, will likely need to be repeatedly covered in a variety of ways; the more connected to their daily life, the more motivated they'll stay.
MrPrintables: Flash cards with basic vocabulary
Multi-Cultural Educational Services: Days of the week, months, sight words, phonics
The School House: Phonics lessons
ESL Story Bank from MN Literacy: Story bank of very basic stories organized by topic and phonics
Pre-Literacy Resources from OhioABLE: A set of links to complete lessons for low level ESL students
Boggles World ESL: Phonics, flashcards, print-outs, games, and more for low level ESL students
Reading Resources
Breaking News English: Current events written in a variety of levels with at least a dozen associated activities that can be printed out or completed on a computer. Regularly updated.
Free Rice: A website to help students study vocabulary through multiple choice questions. Additionally, for every correct, they donate rice to the World Food Programme.
Job/Occupation Resources
GCF Global: Develops skills for the workplace and life. Includes technology based skills, career planning, grammar, math, and design.
Learn to Earn toolkit: Website with toolkits for adult non-native speakers who seek better employment.
Career Explorer: Explore occupations through needed skills, salary, major, or occupation.
Ohio Means Jobs: Job exploration, job skill building, practice GED tests, and job searching
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy Assessment: To develop computer skills needed in the workplace, college, and daily life. Includes an on-line self-assessment
GCF Global: A variety of lessons with videos or interactive activities that cover how to use the internet, internet safety, and tutorials for specific programs.
Website Builders: Easy to understand articles on how to use the internet, build websites, and internet safety.
Math Literacy
Homeschool Math: Worksheets to practice counting US money and many other math topics in the menu
Math Apps: A list of apps that adults can use to improve their math skills
School Yourself: A free on-line program created by Harvard professors specifically for adults who want to improve their math skills. Very interactive, and at your pace.
Tutor/Lesson Planning Resources:
These resources include interactive websites, game generators, and lots of worksheets.
English Club: Resources on how to teach ESOL/ESL/TESOL
Cross Word Puzzle Generator: Crossword puzzle generator
LitWorks Resources: Dozens of links organized by topic that cover a variety of fields including digital technology, evidence based reading, specific ESL topics, and immigration/citizenship resources.
Ohio ABLE: A set of links to complete lessons for low level ESL students
Word Scramble: Word scramble activity generator
Socrative: A digital quiz/game show platform to create your own. Quizzes can be shared with other users. Good option to make learning remotely more fun.
Kahoots: Find pre-made digital quizzes on a variety of topics OR create your own.
ISL Collective: A collection of ESL worksheets, lessons, and videos gathered from teachers around the world.
Adult Literacy League: A list of resources including ESL grammar, ABE reading, citizenship test prep, and computer skills.
WizardPins: Part of engaging students in the English language is showing them how language changes over time. How people communicate through text and direct messaging apps has driven a lot of evolution in communication. Emojis have a special place in English as a Second Language (ESL) classrooms. This resource allows students to learn about how emojis play a role in online communication.
Tutoring Skills/How-to
Literacy Face to Face: A very comprehensive handbook for literacy tutors produced by a collaboration of Australian literacy organizations.
Literacy Works: This is an on-line training portal for tutors who would like to improve their skills and technical language knowledge.
Pro-Literacy: Tutor training, teaching resources, remote teaching resources, and professional development.